This blog's name is "¿Que?", it's probably Spanish and possibly means "What?" Anyone who remembers Fawlty Towers will recognise it as Manuel's favourite expression. Manuel used to say "¿Que Mr Fawlty?" to express is non-comprehension of Basil I'm using it more to express my amazement and incomprehension of the world. "¿Que Mr or Ms World?"
I run a few other blogs each with it's own designated role, but because they all represent my interests and my interests there is often overlap and sometimes I find it difficult to decide which blog to use.
My Blogs
- ¿Que?
- This blog. Dedicated to commenting on politics and stupidity. A place to discuss my world views together with philosophical and political thoughts
- Julia Clement
- More of a "dear diary" type blog
- Domaining .NZ
- Internet branding, including domain names.
- Weblog
- A blog about blogs and blogging by and for bloggers